We all know that getting a fresh mani or pedi can be a mood and even confidence booster, but do you know what ingredients are in that nail polish that you love so much? Most nail polishes are filled with toxic chemicals that you probably aren't aware of. Ever get completely nauseated by the smell of a nail salon or even just painting your own nails in your room? Well, that has a lot to do with these harmful ingredients.
Well, we are here to break it down for you and tell you the main chemicals to steer clear of and why.
Formaldehyde and Formaldehyde Resin
You've probably heard of formaldehyde before. It is used in a lot of nail polishes as a hardener and preservative, but also is found in fertilizer and used in embalming fluids. In some countries, formaldehyde is actually banned from being used in all personal care products due to the fact that it's classified as a carcinogen. Formaldehyde Resin, on the other hand, doesn't have research to conclude it is a carcinogen, but it can irritate your skin and is toxic to your immune system.
Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP)
Unlike the other chemicals, where a lot of health issues are due to extended exposure, low level exposure to xylene can cause headaches and dizziness. The long-term, high exposure, can start to affect your kidneys and respiratory system. This toxic chemical is also found in petroleum products and paint thinner. The purpose of it in nail polish is to thin it out, so it doesn't get lumpy.Ethyl Tosylamide
Parabens are probably one of the most recognized out of all of these chemicals. They are basically a group of different ingredients used as preservatives so you don't have bacteria or mold growing in your polish. If they enter your bloodstream, from being absorbed into your skin, they can interfere with hormone function because they can imitate the functioning of estrogen, which will ultimately disrupt your body's overall health.
Acetone isn't among the most harmful of these chemicals, but it will irritate or even burn your skin. It will also remove the natural oils from your skin, causing it to turn a whiteish color if too much acetone has gotten in contact with your skin... Think about if you have an open cut and you get some nail polish remover in it and how badly that hurts.