Meet Jen Pressler

With a lot of us being stuck at home lately, we are all going a bit crazy...or so it feels like. We decided now was the perfect time to open up our blog to feature some talented influencers and makeup artists we love! With that being said, today's post is all about the lovely Jen Pressler. 


Tell us a little about yourself and what made you get started in the beauty industry?

My name is Jenilee Pressler and I have always loved the beauty world since I was 16. My passion to pursue it really came from being able to express myself while I was sick with cervical cancer.

What is one thing that you are really passionate about (besides makeup)?

Mental Health Awareness and ensuring society really knows how important it is to take of ourselves not only physically but mentally too. 


Name 5 things you cannot leave the house without.

1. Tory Burch Sunglasses
2. Kopari Coconut Lip Balm 
3. My Cell Phone with my life 
4. My Nanacoco My Babe lip gloss 
5. My Journal 

When shopping for makeup, do you ever avoid certain ingredients?

I stay away from anything that is super heavy in silicone just because of my skin type. I’m an avid indie brand shopper and most of them don’t use them and are vegan. 


Who are your top 5 favorite beauty influencers?

Although during his day he didn’t have internet my number one “influencer” would be Kevyn Aucoin. He was a true genius. Then of course Jeffree Star, Tati, Michelle Phan and Nikki

What’s your biggest makeup regret/horror story?

The nineties however , I would be lying if I didn’t say I still didn’t live for a good brown lip. 

What do love most about makeup?

Francois Nars put it best “ Don’t be so serious it’s only makeup”. The power of transformation. 

If you could change one thing about the beauty community what would it be?

Kindness. Be kind to each other and support art in every also and level. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?  

Finally married to my incredible fiancé , working on my own makeup line and continuing to raise money for Cervical Cancer and Mental Health. 

What are some makeup hacks that have really worked for you?

Scotch Tape is a godsend for framing out my eyes. I also have been known make my own lip gloss out of crayons and Vaseline. 

What is your skincare routine? How do you change it up in different seasons?

I’m a double cleanser since I am so makeup heavy. I love Dermologica. I follow it with one of two cleansers depending on the season. I’m also a huge fan of Forte Skin by Teri Love Be Relentless Facial oil for moisture since I get incredibly dry. Her whole line is amazing. 

What’s your dream job? 

Being a color creator for a cosmetics line or traveling educating people on new products. 

What types of products do you feel are missing in the beauty industry?

We don’t have enough products catering to the older generation. The ones that do the color stories can be boring. As an artists over 35, we love color too! 

Are followers important to you? How do you work on gaining them?

I adore all my followers and by putting real content out there is how I focus on on gaining. I’m on the smaller end of the world but, my goal is to be bigger one day. Honest and truthful reviews. 

If you were only allowed to wear one color for the rest of your life what would it be?

Purple. Purple shows power and the color of royalty. After all, we are all Queens. 


This or that:


Natural lashes or false lashes? Falsies all day 

Trying new products or sticking with your tried and trues? Foundation tried and true. New everything else 

Full glam or no-makeup makeup? Full Beat!!!! 
Liquid or powder foundation? Liquid 

Lipstick or lip gloss? Lipstick

💖 Make sure to follow Jen on Instagram and Twitter 💖

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